

Registration for Classic Race Viborg 2025

Registration is not yet open. We expect to open registration in February 2025.


Classic Race Viborg will be the annual highlight

An event where you as the participants will be greeted with open arms, good relationships, challenges on the field and an event that you want to return to, year after year.

We have created a race that guarantees a weekend full of race, fun, excitement and action – not only for the audience, but also for your team, the fans you brought with you, and you as the driver.

We have ensured that Classic Race Viborg is planned with care, consideration, seasoned with Jutland's composure. The course is designed to deliver exciting and intense moments and our program of activities is designed so that there is entertainment and engagement throughout the weekend. As organizers, we want to be the guarantor of pleasant and atmospheric moments where motorsport is at the fore, right in the heart of Jutland, namely in Viborg.

We look forward to welcoming all participants to three days filled with racing, passion for classic motorsport and jointly developing the collaboration for the benefit of Classic Race Viborg's history.

Classes for Classic Race Viborg

  • The 65's class.
  • 71 class 0-1300.
  • 71 the class over 1300.
  • 76-81-90 class.
  • Special Saloon.
  • Young hours.
  • Legend Car.
  • Super GT.
  • CRV GT Challenge.
  • C1 Scandinavia.
What is the CRV GT Challenge?
Factory-built GT cars and standard cars with and without supercharging, max 12 years old. For example

Lamborghini – Porsche – Ferrari – BMW – Audi – Mercedes, Corvette, Aston Martin etc.

Registration fee

Classic Race Viborg
3995 DKK
  • Registration fee for the participating car
  • 3×6 meter space in the rider's yard per participating car
  • Setting up a tent on the riding farm square
  • 3×6 meter storage for service van etc.
  • 1 participant wristband
  • 1 weekend bracelet per participating car
  • Access to power (220V/10A)
  • Possibility to purchase 10 admission tickets at a reduced price
  • Possibility of storing the trailer in trailer packaging
  • Option to purchase extra space in the equestrian yard.
  • Option to buy breakfast in the riding stables

General information

Time and place

CHGP 2024 will be held on August 2 (4:30-9:00 p.m.) and August 3 - 4 (8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.) at Bellahøj Park at Grøndal MultiCenter in 2400 Copenhagen.


The sporting side of the event is run in collaboration between DASU, ASKH and CHGP, while the latter is also responsible for the commercial part. The Danish rules apply to the event.

Equestrian farm

CHGP is a very large event where many considerations must be taken into account. The classes are placed together as far as possible, but deviations may occur. Special wishes must be noted in "colocation" in connection with race registration. Each driver gets a space of 3 x 6 meters for car and gear and 3 x 6 meters for a workshop car - not necessarily in context. There is a limited opportunity to purchase extra space in the stable. We reserve the right to reject vehicles and/or tents that exceed the aforementioned goals.


It is possible to use the camping area at Bellahøj Park's inner circle. Please contact Bellahøj Camping directly:


A national Danish or a foreign license with take-off permit is required to participate in the CHGP.

Race information

You can download the race information for the race here when it's ready!


The noise limits are according to regulations. Gasoline may only be filled in the designated area in the riding yard. Please be aware that Bellahøj Park is located within an environmental zone and possibly trucks MUST be environmentally approved. Inquire early with the Danish Environmental Protection Agency about your options!

Noise requirements

Conditions for sound level from participating vehicles: * All participating cars must comply with the Danish Automobile Sports Union's (DASU) noise limits when measuring stands, currently in accordance with regulation 296.

Driver's tent

As something new from CHGP 2022 onwards, communal tents will be introduced, which CHGP sets up for all drivers. This means that you don't have to plan the setup and will be part of a nice setup with the rest of your class.

Each driver registration comes with 3×6 meter tent space, with the option of buying extra space in the rider's yard (limited space).

We hope this can help to create an even better atmosphere among the classes, who will have the opportunity to stand closer together and at the same time give a uniform look to all riding farms.